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Sudbury Primary School

Welcome to Mars College

We truly believe that every student in our college is a star, hence our motto 'Let The Light Shine Out From All.' Students and staff in the College always put their all into activities, meetings and displaying the Sudbury School Values.

Us Martians have a strong college spirit- it was this which enabled us to achieve victory in the first year of the College System being set up.

From Staff Bake-Offs and Sport Contests to Buddying, Poetry Slams and Class Dojo Competitions (to name a few), Mars College are a community and we are proud to be represented by the Tiger, a courageous, energetic and determined animal.

College Song

K'naan- wavin flag

College Planet

Our planet, Mars, is sometimes known as the Red Planet and is the fourth planet from the sun. It is the only other planet (aside from Earth) which is considered to be hospitable to life. 

College Animal

Tiger named Tiana

We are proud to be represented by the Tiger, a courageous, energetic and determined animal.

College Motto

 Eluceat Omnibus Lux

Let The Light Shine Out From All

College Leader

 Ms Granger