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Sudbury Primary School


Applying for a school place at Sudbury Primary School

Sudbury Primary is a four form entry school with a Nursery.

School Timings 2023-2024

Morning Nursery: 8.10am to 11.10am, Monday to Friday

Afternoon Nursery: 12.10pm to 3.10pm, Monday to Friday

Full Time Nursery: 8.10am to 2.10pm (option to pay for your child to stay one extra hour until 3.10pm)

Reception & Years 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 & 6:

8.30am to 2.00pm (Monday) 

8.30am to 3.00pm (Tuesday to Friday) 

Reception Year Group Admissions for September 2024

(Children born between 1st September 2019 and 31st August 2020).

Applications can be made online from 1st September 2023 at www.eadmissions.org.uk.  The closing date is 15th January 2024. Please read the Admissions Criteria before submitting your application.  All offers will be made via the Brent Admissions Team on 16th April, 2024.  If you are offered a place, please reply confirming your acceptance immediately.

In Year Admissions - Reception and Years 1 to 6

Please read the Admissions Criteria before making an application. Applications are administered on behalf of the school by the London Borough of Brent, School Admissions Team:

London Borough of Brent
Civic Centre
Engineers Way
Middlesex HA9 0FJ

Tel: 0208 937 3110


Children with Special Educational Needs and Disabilities, Education Health Care Plans

Please visit:

Catchment Area

Please visit the following link to find out the allocated school for your address:


School Catchment Area

Nursery Applications

Children born between 1st September 2020 and 31st August 2021

Nursery Applications are administered by the school, and the Admissions Criteria are applied as for the other year groups.  Application forms for September 2024 admissions are available from 1st September 2023 and the closing date is 15th January, 2024.  There is no right of appeal for nursery applications.  Offer letters will be posted on or before 16th April 2024.

Sudbury Primary Nursery Unit provides free 15 hour Nursery places, and free 30 hour places for children of qualifying parents.  Please check your eligibility status here:


30 hour codes must be validated in the month before the start of each school term.

Please note that pupils do not automatically transfer from Nursery to Reception Year Group, gaining a place in the Nursery does not guarantee a place in the Reception Year Group and priority cannot be given to pupils who already attend our Nursery.

Completed forms should be submitted to the school with a photocopy of your child’s full birth certificate or passport, and a photocopy of your current council tax bill as proof of address. Alternatively, copies of utility bills issued in the last 6 months may be provided as proof of address.

Accepting Offers

Once your child has been offered a place at Sudbury Primary School, the following documents will be required prior to admission:

  1. Child’s Passport
  2. Child’s Full Birth Certificate
  3. Photo ID for main parent/s (passport, photo driving licence etc)
  4. Two documents as proof of address from the following list:
  • Bank or Building Society statement dated within the last 3 months
  • Utility Bill (Gas, Electricity, telephone land line etc)
  • Child Benefit letter
  • Electoral ID card
  • Driving Licence
  • Mortgage Statement
  • Rental Agreement
  • Current Council Tax Bill

If you are living with family or friends, or sharing accommodation and do not have any of the above documents, please provide a copy of the council tax payer’s recent bill, and a letter from the council tax payer confirming that you are living at the address, the date you moved in, and how long you intend to stay.

Year 6 Transfers

Current Year 6 pupils who will be transferring to Secondary School in September 2024 must apply directly to the London Borough of Brent School Admissions Team by 24th October 2023. 

Families of pupils living outside Brent should apply via their home borough.

Admission Appeals Process

The grounds for appealing are very restricted, particularly for Reception, Years 1 and 2 as these classes are limited to 30 pupils per room.  Appeals would only be successful in the following exceptional circumstances:

  • If the admissions procedure was not carried out properly
  • If the decision not to admit the child was not one which a reasonable admission authority would make in the circumstances of the case, or breaches the School Admissions Appeal Code.

Appeals for Reception Admissions for September 2024 must be made within four weeks of the National Offer Date (16th April, 2024).  Appeal forms are available from the school office.

For further information about the Appeal Process, please visit https://www.gov.uk/schools-admissions/appealing-a-schools-decision

and view the School Admissions Appeal Code or visit

Withdrawing your child from school

Once your child has been admitted, the school will require 2 weeks written notice before being taken off roll.

Key Documents


Admissions Criteria for 2023-2024

Admissions Criteria for 2024-2025

In Year Nursery Admission Form 23-24.pdf

Nursery Admission Form for September 2024.pdf

Applying for a School Place 2023-24.pdf