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Sudbury Primary School


At Sudbury Primary School, we place great importance on both academic achievement and enriching opportunities.

This ensures we give pupils the chance to extend their learning, make new discoveries, ignite new enthusiasms and develop their characters and talents. Below is a snapshot of what we have on offer...


School trips and visits to places of educational interest are an integral part of our curriculum, providing pupils with rich and memorable experiences to support and inspire their learning whilst increasing their awareness of the wider world. Examples include:

  • Buckingham Palace
  • Odds Farm
  • Church
  • Synagogue
  • Buddhist temple
  • Gurdwara
  • Ruislip Lido
  • Year 6 Residential.


We work with a wide range of external partners who share their knowledge and skills with pupils, staff and parents, providing exciting opportunities and allowing for personal development. Examples include:

  • African drumming
  • The Creepy Crawly Show
  • Wizard Theatre
  • Riot Act
  • School Street
  • Commando Joe’s.


We have a number of clubs on offer to our pupils covering a range of diverse interests such as:

  • Football
  • Dodgeball
  • Cricket
  • Boxfit
  • Dance
  • Gymnastics
  • Cooking
  • Crafty Fun
  • Creative Lego
  • Fine Art
  • Computing.

Pupils enjoy the wide range of additional activities on offer. For example, they like attending the fine art club, which offers pupils the opportunity to further practise skills, such as sketching and shading, which have been taught during lessons.

Ofsted, 2023

Sudbury Life Skills Awards

Our equivalent of The Duke of Edinburgh’s Award, we bring you The Sudbury Life Skills Awards, developing pupils’ resilience, problem-solving, team-working, communication and drive.


Pupil Voice is highly valued at our school – everyone is involved and everyone has a voice. Pupils can take on roles of responsibility and develop leadership skills through the following:

  • Digital leaders
  • Eco warriors
  • Language Ambassadors
  • Peer Mediators
  • Librarians
  • College Council
  • Head Boy and Head Girl.

Pupils’ wider development has been well considered. For example, pupils are encouraged to take on extra responsibilities such as peer mediators, eco-warriors and college councillors.

Ofsted, 2023


We pride ourselves in celebrating each other’s successes and achievements, celebrating cultures, beliefs and differences and celebrating notable days in the year. Examples include:

  • Class assemblies
  • Charity days
  • World Book Day
  • School productions
  • Talent shows
  • Poetry slam
  • Cultural day
  • Sports day
  • International evening.