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Sudbury Primary School

Covid-19 Catch Up Premium 

Covid-19 Catch Up Premium

The Government has provided schools with the Catch-Up Premium, in additional to main school funding, to address the current underlying inequalities caused as a direct result of the Covid-19 school closures.

Our aim is to ensure that we tackle these inequalities and ensure that we use the funding to support the children that need it most.

The document below, details Sudbury Primary School's Catch-Up Premium allocation.

The Catch-Up Premium Allocation is currently calculated on a per pupil basis, providing each mainstream school with a total of £80 for each pupil from Reception through to Year 6.

The aim of the Catch-Up Premium is to enable the School to target child attainment and ensure that each child achieves their maximum potential irrespective of the Covid-19 school closures. To ensure that the additional monies have the maximum impact on the targeted children, thorough analysis is carried out of the children’s academic progress against other child groupings in school and compared with national data. The funding is not spent on one item but is used as part of our budget and used to support several areas in school as per the table below. 

Catch-Up Premium Spending Report 20-21